25 Jun 2006

Marriage: Oh how we love that word!

(Oh by the way....these two aren't married...but they look so cute together don't they? They're my buddies from college! And they are really cute!)

Marriage is freedom…to some, and the loss of it to some other. Most men feel trapped after marriage…however, some of the planet’s last surviving gentlemen feel lucky to have found their soul mate, but nevertheless marriage jokes sell like Playboy. For women it’s quite different, it means you could either be transferred to a monster, after having spent twenty years with your daddy darling. Or you could be feeling like you’ve got a life with your hubby that you thought you never had under the vigilance of your monster of a dad. Marriage means liberty from mom’s yucky palak-ka-saag and bondage to your wife’s yucky “Spinach dé lâ vú lé lã………….

Marriage is sacrifice; it means good-byes as well as hellos. It means a whole lot of ‘zandu baam’ for your ‘peera haari’ on your wedding night, after you’ve had to duck to touch about five hundred (and thousand) feet of all your relatives, well wishers and a hundred more you don’t even recognize. Marriage is leaving the pink bedroom behind and walking into the blue one. Marriage means you can’t spend hours lazing on that sunny balcony, eyeing that boy or that girl you’ve forever eyed…and if you happened to have married that one…you couldn’t have been luckier.

Marriage is a promise. It is a new beginning, a new start; of a new friendship. Even if you might have courted your spouse for twelve years, marriage is bound to change everything you knew about your love. And if you were married to the blue-eyed whoever of your momma and papa’s choice, it’s just the beginning of an adventure (…that almost always turns into a book). Marriage means compromise…it means fights and fights…in between the crazy lovemakings. Marriage is in fact, an atrocious realization; before you were married you would think ten times over before even imagining of making out with your girlfriend…’cause you know your parents would be devastated if they came to know about it…and after you are married the next thing you know, your mother is dropping strange hints to how lovely it would feel to have a baby in the house…surely you still don’t buy the birds and bees story.

Marriage is a feeling. Trust me, I’ve heard my girlfriends talk about it…how they dressed and dolled up to feel married or how they felt married when they made love to their then loves for the first time…etcetera etcetera. Its surely very giggly…their demure natures suddenly become all they show, even if it’s your friend who you knew to thrive on death metal music and sported frightful piercings. But somehow marriage transforms them into these shy and coy little things who can’t stop smiling and giggling.

Marriage means responsibilities. Or the relocation of it. It means that now, you have to take care of the new apartment…which also has things like building maintenance committee, that you never knew existed, or the water tax… having to get up for the morning paper-wallah, doodh-wallah and the kuda-wallah…had you ever wondered before that where all the garbage went?

Marriage is growing up and growing out of all the pre-existing circumstances and coming to terms with reality as a person together with another person, where everything has to be shared properly in its desired quantities…till you have to share it in three….or four…..or …..Please we need to control our population!

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