O Father,
Here they come again.
They have killed your child,
And now they want you.
They have burnt your home,
And now they'll burn you.
O Father,
Here they come again.
They dine on your backyard,
And now they'll take it from you.
They've slept in your bed,
And that's where they'll gag you to.
O Father,
Here they come again.
In the darkness of the night,
And they say they fear none.
Can you here their guns?
If you cannot hide then run.
O Father,
Here they come again.
To promise you forsaken dreams,
Of wealth in your own hands.
But before, they must shoot you,
With guns of distant lands.
O Father,
Here they come again.
They've raped your daughter,
And buried your boy.
Now they'll build fences on our rotting flesh,
Here they come Father, Ahoy!
This poem is about my take on the violence in Singur, Nandigram and adjoining areas... This is about the violated... about their children who died...this is about human beings who were killed by human beings...